COVID-19: revised guidance for arranging or attending a funeral during the coronavirus pandemic

Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England have issued revised guidance or attending or attending a funeral – the guidance applies in England.

Changes from previous funerals guidance are:

  • a limit of 30 people attending a funeral – anyone working is not included in this number
  • a limit of 15 people attending a linked religious, belief-based or ceremonial event in a COVID-19 secure venue or public outdoor place – anyone working is not included in this number
  • guidance on attending a funeral for people who are self-isolating in exceptional circumstances, with the appropriate protection advice to be followed
  • allowing some professional musical contributions, ideally outdoors
  • wearing face coverings in a funeral director’s vehicle

This guidance is of a general nature and should be treated as a guide. In the event of conflict between any applicable legislation (including the health and safety legislation) and this guidance, the applicable legislation shall prevail.

This guidance applies in England.

You can read the revised guidance documents here:-